Drained and Overwhelmed

Has this been happening to you too?

Right from the beginning of my career as a Massage Therapist I would overhear more seasoned practitioners talking about getting drained from working on their patients. I listened to them discuss different types of people: needy people, people that projected anger and frustration, ones that would simply dump all their negativity onto you and the ever popular energy vampires.

For some therapists it will be a slow build up of negativity, for others it will be a single person that wipes them out. 

I had one such incident in college that really rocked my world and decided that once was enough. I needed to find solid, easy methods of protecting myself without a lot of dogma attached. 

Want to learn the FASTEST way to reduce burnout, including fatigue, being emotionally overwhelmed and loss of empathy? Desperate to reduce the amount of stress and emotional pain on you at work and home? Are you looking for a techniques that JUST work for EVERYONE? New or experienced practitioners will benefit.  

If you answered "Yes" to any of the questions above, then this online course is for you.

What will you learn?


EXPERIENCE ways of PROTECTING yourself from other people's negative energies using easy to implement techniques in this self-paced ONLINE course.

How to STOP STRESS in its tracks. Cut cords that people have attached to you and STOP FATIGUE. 

Perform CLEARING of energies that affect you and your clients. How to deal with button pushers in a POSITIVE WAY.

SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE your personal vitality.

the EASIEST way to clear your energy and protect yourself throughout the day in under 2 MINUTES.

Plus MORE...

Is this course right for me?


You can INTEGRATE this into your practice no matter the type of work you do, deep tissue, fascial, Swedish or osteopathic.

The BONUS is that you can use this in your PERSONAL life just as EFFECTIVELY as in your practice.

Have clients book subsequent appointments


Increase RAPPORT with your clients leading to higher client retention. Being able to have EMPATHY with people that push your buttons without having a negative impact on you. Patients will feel more TRUST and at ease with you, making them want to REBOOK with you.

Increase your vitality and income


We all want to be able to TREAT day after day without having a burnout.

The speed at which practitioners are getting overwhelmed and fatigued has INCREASED as we are dealing with a society that is having to cope with the challenges of Covid-19. 

You can start applying these methods you've learnt right away. You can feel the POSITIVE changes almost instantly to your VITALITY. 

Learn to Master your vitality




Lead Instructor

Robert Hackwood

A Registered Massage Therapist since 1992, Robert Hackwood - Dynamic Therapist - brings the success of his hands-on treatment and courses to the online arena in a state-of-the-art online program that all therapists can benefit from, regardless of their location. Robert explains:" Therapists can improve outcomes with less wear and tear. These courses help you to work smarter and easier so you can stand apart." Therapists can complete the training in the privacy of their own homes at a pace that works for them, saving time and money.

Robert has been involved with teaching Massage Therapy skills for over 25 years, including Muscle Energy Technique, Craniosacral in several forms, Neuromuscular Therapy, Assessment, Osteopathic Techniques, and more. He has been a teaching assistant for several instructors offering continuing education, taught in 3 different Massage Therapy Colleges, written articles and been involved in the running of the Massage Therapy profession in British Columbia.

What to expect

What amazing information will I see?

  • History & Purpose: How the methods have evolved over the years

  • What is Grounding and how to do it

  • Prevent Draining Yourself

  • Learn how to Protect yourself and the people you work with

  • Cut Connections that are draining you and Clear the energies that are overwhelming and depleting you

  • Prevent energy vampires from sucking you dry

  • Knowing your own Vitality levels

Course curriculum


Pay in one payment


  • How does online education work with Dynamic Therapies?

    We use a learning management system (LMS) to deliver all the currently taught content, video instructions and materials.

  • Are these Mindfulness Techniques?

    Yes they are. There are many people that use mindfulness techniques in their work and private lives, these are simple effective methods to focus the mind to help with stressors.

  • Is learning Grounding online as effective as face-to-face instruction?

    The course has written descriptions as well as video content. This course has no kinaesthetic hands-on components like other practical massage therapy courses.

  • Is it a real thing?

    In our world of science and research we are often reluctant to ask or search out methods to help with interpersonal contact because we can be shy or intimidated. Anyone that has done body work of any sort knows there is an interchange between the parties involved. Whether you are willing to admit it or not, it still remains that you have an impact on them and they on you.

  • Will 90 days be long enough to complete the Grounding online course?

    Yes, you will be able to complete the online course and implement what you have learnt in less than a week. However, you will want to practice and apply the methods daily at work.

Bonus material

Included additional content.

  • Downloads

    Downloadable instructions to have at work as reminders of the methods. Value $20.00.

  • Communication

    Direct email access to lead instructor. Value $100.00.

  • Community

    Access to Dynamic Therapies private group to discuss courses with other students. Value $50.00.

100% Guaranteed


Try the Dynamic Therapies Grounding online course for 90 days - 100% risk-free. If you don't LOVE the results, I insist you get 100% of your money back.

Let me tell you why I offer this unbeatable guarantee.

When talking to practitioners about the influence people have on their happiness, vitality and health, most state they have only had rudimentary training to protect themselves and this is often outdated and of limited effectiveness. 

It wasn't good enough for me and you deserve more too.

That's why I have put all these methods together for you so that you can respond better to stress, reduce pain and increase your vitality. Instead of spending your time searching out ways that are hit and miss you will save time and benefit from my experience. 

Experienced and new practitioners find it incredible and valuable.

I know these methods work. I am offering the course online so that more therapists can have the opportunity and benefit from it as I have.

And that's why I guarantee the Grounding online course for a full 90 days.

It's simple: take the course and see for yourself. If you don't see the results, I'd like you to email me, show me that you did the work and I'll refund you 100%.

By the way I ask you to show me you are doing the work because I know how powerful these techniques are when applied. I have no intention of keeping your money if you're dissatisfied, but I insist you show me, just in case your results are related to incorrect application. I want you and your clients/patients to be able to feel the difference in your vitality, empathy and health and energy.