I'm in severe pain, should I still come in?

Yes, I can do gentle light work to help

Someone calls and asks if they should cancel their appointment because they are in severs pain or just hurt themselves. In causes like this or with very sensitive patients/clients it is nice to have methods to treat them that will not create fear or aggravate their symptoms.

Date & Times

  • Date

    June 27, 2021

  • Live class times

    9:00am - 12:00pm
    Lunch 12:00 - 1:00pm
    1:00 - 4:00pm

  • Important

    You will need a "patient" for the live class to be eligible for the 7 PE CMTBC credits.
    Review the manual and online portion prior to the live classes.

Want to become more SKILLED at decreasing nonspecific back pain? Needing to REDUCE the amount of wear and tear on your body Are you looking for a technique that integrates with your current treatment style?  

If you answered "Yes" to any of the questions above, then this online course is for you.

What will you learn?


Accomplish better results treating nonspecific back pain that is even more gentle than Muscle Energy Technique for the patient/client.

  1. Introduction to concepts of joint function and dysfunction
  2. Introduction of basic principles of joint mobilization
  3. Exploration of methods to correct somatic dysfunctions (Often thought of as joint dysfunctions)

Treat your people in various positions


You will be able to correct somatic (joint) dysfunctions in a variety of positions: standing, sitting, prone and supine. This will allow you to position your clients/patients in the most comfortable way in order to make change.

Is this course right for me?


These treatments work particularly well on sensitive clients/patients. You will be able to utilize these two treatment methods immediately into your practice. 


Before the actual date of the live ZOOM webinar there are a few things to complete:

  • Have a "patient" for the live webinar to practice "hands-on". This is mandatory for CMTBC CEUs and completion certificate.

  • Read the manual and watch the videos prior to the live webinar

  • Create a free ZOOM account

Live Class Outline

What to expect during the webinar

9:00 - 10:00am
  • Welcome
  • Introduction of instructor and students
  • Anatomy and physiology of facet joints
10:00 - 11:00am "Patient" now needed
  • Locating and palpating lumbar and thoracic transverse processes
11:00am - 12:00pm
  • Sitting flexion test
  • Palpating tissue texture
12:00 - 1:00pm
  • Lunch
1:00 - 2:00pm
  • Peri-ischial technique to lumbar and thoracic facet joints
  • Locating and palpating cervical facet joints
  • Auricular technique to cervical facet joints
  • "Patient" no longer required
2:00 - 3:00pm
  • Conclusions
  • Student Self-assessment
  • Student assessment of teaching
  • CEU certificate will be available online after completion of assessments

Online Course Contents

Start correcting somatic (joint) dysfunctions today

Choose to become more effective

Increase your confidence


Confident knowing if there is a spinal segment that is dysfunctional known as a somatic dysfunction.

Recognize changes were made by testing before and after using the Auricular and Peri-ischial Techniques.

Ability to influence the spinal joints and surrounding tissues without sending your client/patient out to a different therapist such as a chiropractor.



Lead Instructor

Robert Hackwood

A Registered Massage Therapist since 1992, Robert Hackwood - Dynamic Therapist - brings the success of his hands-on treatment and courses to the online arena in a state-of-the-art online program that all therapists can benefit from, regardless of their location. Robert explains:" Therapists can improve outcomes with less wear and tear. These courses help you to work smarter and easier so you can stand apart." Therapists can complete the training in the privacy of their own homes at a pace that works for them, saving time and money.

Robert has been involved with teaching Massage Therapy skills for over 25 years, including Muscle Energy Technique, Craniosacral in several forms, Neuromuscular Therapy, Assessment, Osteopathic Techniques, and more. He has been a teaching assistant for several instructors offering continuing education, taught in 3 different Massage Therapy Colleges, written articles and been involved in the running of the Massage Therapy profession in British Columbia.

What to expect

What amazing information will I see?

  • Anatomy of a vertebral segment

  • Assess (spinal facet) dysfunctions found in flexion and extension

  • Joint Laws

  • Indications and Contraindications

  • 2 different treatment methods for somatic (spinal facet) dysfunctions


Pay in one payment


  • Are there CMTBC Continuing Education Credits?

    Yes there are 7 PE for cycle 12 and 13

  • What are the prerequisites?

    Before the live ZOOM webinar:

    • Read the manual
    • Watch the videos
    • Make a free ZOOM account
    • Have a "patient" for the live practical portion of the webinar. This is a requirement to receive CMTBC continuing education credits and certificate.
  • How does online education work with Dynamic Therapies?

    We use a learning management system (LMS) to deliver all the currently taught content, video instructions and materials. For webinars the live portion will be through ZOOM.

  • Is this the same information in a face-to-face course?

    Yes, the material is the same. You will be able to view, download and print the course manual. The course has written descriptions as well as video content that you can review as much as you like for 1 year.

  • Is it hard to learn?

    You will be able to follow along and practice with the videos for the practical portions during the webinar. I recommend you view the videos prior to the live event. Your skills you have already acquired as a therapist will help you to perform the necessary palpation.

  • How long will I have access to the course content online?

    You will have access to all the course content 1 year. This includes the videos of procedures and online manual. You are able to print the detailed manual to have beyond the 1 year date.

What are you waiting for?

Feel confident you can treat a somatic (facet joint) dysfunction and execute a more complete job of treating the involved tissues.